
NO6E's picture

The small town of Powers, OR looks promising for SOTA.  Within a few miles of this city along the Coquille river are three SOTA peaks, W7O/SC-149 (Woodby Mountain), W7O/SC-175 (Bingham Mountain) and the unnamed W7O/SC-342.  Powers itself is located on Highway 242, about 18 miles south of Highway 42, as it runs near Coquille, OR.

As I usually do, I tried to scout these locations today.  Each was either impassable or posted "No Trespassing."

The artist Christo, who wraps islands and such, says getting permits is part of the process, not an impediment to it.  SOTA in Oregon is like that: You can go somewhere people have activated before, or you can strike out.  By striking out, though, you risk, well, striking out.

To me, safety is more than "not dying."  Today, a couple of these sites might have been possible, but they weren't today, for me.