People who wish to receive the PNW SOTA Newsletter

KB7IVK's picture
Damien Cox

Started in Amateur Radio at the age of 14 in 1989.

Chaser so far

KG7EMV's picture
Marino Duregon


Just starting now (June 2019). Elecraft KX-3, te-ne-ke dual lever paddle, wire antennas, bioenno batteries. Learning CW.

K2AMF's picture
W7W-Washington EW

After working a couple of decades as a computer technical support guy I figured it was time to enjoy a few of the things I had to put on hold. One of those things was getting back into Amateur Radio.

I passed my first hurdle by getting my Tech license in January 2017 and I passed my General Class examination 6 May 2017 and am actively working on gaining my Extra Class license.,

At home I have a Yaesu 7900 for VHF/UHF use. For HF I have a Icom IC-737, a Icom IC-7300 and a Yaesu 857D. I have several antennas such as a Hustler 6BVT, a fan dipole for 40 and 20 meter work and several vertical ones along with a Diamond X50A Dual Band antenna on a 30 foot mast.

I am a member of the ARRL,the Inland Empire VHF Radio Amateurs Club (IE VHF) and the Washington Digital Radio Enthusiasts amateur radio club where I enjoy both DStar and DMR radio communications with both a Icom ID-31A, a Icom ID-51A and a TYT 2017.

None to date but I like the idea and have a Toyota Tundra, Yaesu 857D, Deployment Antennas and significant battery power. I would probably start with chase activities (I have some SOTA QSO/QSL in my book).

NS3C's picture

Occasional chaser, all CW

I chase, occasionally, and would like to log contacts for the activators. I have a KX3 for portable use and may activate in the future.

K9WBZ's picture
Zachary A Painter

Active duty USCG Helicopter Avionics tech and aircrew member. I spend a lot of my free time volunteering on Search and Rescue teams and occasionally play with radios. I just recently found out about SOTA and have been really enjoying it thus far.

I enjoy activating as my home isn't ideal of radio so not a lot of chasing to e had. I run a Kx3 and a buddipole vertical for activations thus far.

KJ7EZN's picture
Jim Howell

old retired guy with new license

I've hiked the mountains all my life and I'm looking forward to taking a 20 meter rig along.

F5LKW's picture


SOTA makes me feel good !

KD7JB's picture
James Blake

Washington resident, avid hiker. Extra Class, Snohomish County Hams Club Training Coordinator.

Just getting started with my wife.

WA7L's picture
Scott Ririe

Ham who loves the outdoors

Owner of Yaesu FT-817nd and Elecraft KX3

W7MOE's picture
Dave Moe

Outdoors: Rivers,Mountains,Sagebrush,boat,Dog,Exercise, pedal to the
metal, appreciation of the Pacific NW, oldman Moe banging around where Chief Moses and his people once called home, its still theirs.

Exposed to SOTA first time early summer 2018, via KG7VLX ,answered his call in Idaho W7I-BC066 Thorn Butte. I have an old Kennwood 2m fm/ssb, Arrow yagi, Yaesu ft-60r, FT panel. Up in hills I go !

VA7NX's picture
Eric Kehler

I am a member of the White Rock Amateur Radio club. My main interest in amateur radio is with safety in the back-country and with doing SOTA activities.

Activating summits mainly in the Fraser Valley and Greater Vancouver regions. For 2m I use a Kenwood HT with a 4 element Arrow Yagi. On HF I use a KX2. Currently I am learning Morse so I can use it for SOTA.

KE7SYF's picture
Pat Blount


KF7MAX's picture
Max Vaughan

Sec High Desert Amateur Radio Group. Extra Class.


W7ZV's picture
Doug Miller


VA7JBE's picture

VE7 Association Manager

VE7JH's picture
Gabor Horvath

Chasing and Activating

K7CAC's picture
Carrie Conte

A newer radio operator, originally KG7NZP, I'm looking forward to putting my used HF gear to use!!

Brand new. Have a used FT 897 and a portable Alpha Mag Loop on order. Looking forward to activating:)

KI7IOC's picture
Joe Anderson


KI7MMZ's picture

Chaser, Snohomish County

AF7LP's picture
Sean Herring