People who wish to receive the PNW SOTA Newsletter

K9WTP's picture
Will Pierce

ED RN and Ham tech

HT VHF activations
Icom ID-50
Icom V86
Yaesu VX7r
2m and 70cm yagis
Elk log periodic

WX7OR's picture
Jeff McKinnis

I have been licensed since 1994 and climbing mountains since 1997. Other hobbies include camping, kayaking, and canyoneering. My wife and daughter both have their license and mostly enjoy accompanying me on my adventures.

My portable equipment includes HF and VHF/UHF radios and antennas- IC-V86, KX2, FT-891, and IC-705. I prefer to find remote peaks that require some fun driving and/or bush whacking. My wife (KE7HUP) usually joins me on my adventures and will provide an extra contact for those in need.

I started re-learning Morse code in November ‘23. Mostly using CW as a chaser, but I plan to try some all CW SOTA activations soon.

My first taste of mountaineering and radio was a VHF contests from Mt Hood and South Sister, but that was before SOTA was started.

K7ATN's picture
Etienne Scott

Although I've had my license for forty years, I had not been active for thirty-five - until I learned about SOTA. As an active hiker/climber/skier, more opportunities to take me to places I would never think of going has made combining two favorite things into a fantastically fun activity. Any 'home' station I have is just about as temporary as the ones I set up on a peak. And a final word - Chasers Rock!

AE7AP's picture

My wife Barbara - AE7AQ and myself activate primarily in the Helena area, but we also include activations into backpacking and road trips. I typically use a KX3 for shorter activations (1-3 days), and a KX1 for longer backpacking trips. My preferred antenna is a SOTABeams link dipole that is supported by a 22-foot fiberglass mast.

AK7U's picture
Kevin Stanton

New to ham radio in 2021.

None so far

KI7EMX's picture
Scott Harris

Activating SOTA summits since 2017 and still loving every minute (day) of it!

Typically working local peaks within 50-75 miles of my home. Have now activated peaks in Oregon, Washington, Arizona and Idaho. You can find me on VHF-fm (5 watts) and HF-ssb (10 watts).

N7JTT's picture
John Trefethen

I enjoy packing my gear into the high country, making contacts from summits, hunting, and activating parks throughout the SOTA & POTA networks.

My family and I live between two beautiful properties, one in San Juan County and the other in Whatcom County. We keep a small farm, and we're made up of a family of five "humans being" with creation and the inhabitants of this land. Our homestead is comprised of roughly 10 acres of wooded grassland. The property is situated on a three percent slope with total southern exposure. You can learn more about us at and Instagram.

In my free time, I enjoy exploring light as it gets captured through the lens of my camera. I am interested in investigating ideas through photography and designing for our challenges in the ophthalmic industry. You can learn more about my work at | you can also connect with me on Instagram and LinkedIn.

Equipment -- IC-705, KX2, KH1, IC-7300, IC-5100, ID-52. (all barefoot) | HF Antennas -- Hexbeam 20M and up & EFHF 130' length, Sloper configuration | VHF/UHF Antennas -- Cubical Quad and Vertical 9' Commet.

I love getting into the very high cascades and taking challenging overnight treks into the wilderness.

WJ7WJ's picture
Bill j

Hope to do bicycle activations. Did my first 8 miles from my home.

WA7MPC's picture
Mark Cohen

I'm new to SOTA, but for now I'm focused on 2m FM around the Puget Sound :)

K2VFZ's picture

Graphic Designer for a rafting/kayaking/paddlesports company based in Idaho.

New to SOTA (and HAM in general). Avid hiker, backpacker, cyclist—looking to incorporate SOTA into outdoor experiences throughout the PNW.

KD7RM's picture
Bob Morrisey

Retired fire service. Amateur Radio Operator since 1990.

I recently answered several activators on 2 meters from my home QTH in Prineville, Oregon. I would like to get more involved with both chasing and activating.

KD7REM's picture
Christopher Hobbs

Retired. Mostly CW OP. Interested in getting started in SOTA.

First one later today on Quartz Mountain W7W/CW-033

N7NWT's picture
Nathan Tilley

Hello, all! I am a Tacoma based SOTA activator with aspirations to activate at least one summit per month until I hit my goat!

I like to activate peaks that are a challenging hike or climb all throughout Washington. I hope to expand out into more regions later, especially those I can travel to with my airline benefits. I currently activate with an Elecraft KX2 or a Penntek TR-35. I also chase remotely from my QTH with an Icom 9700 or a Flex 6400. My favorite activated summits so far have definitely been Mount Baker (W7W/WH-001) and Mount Hood (W7O/CN-001)!

W7DOF's picture
Jim Larson

New ham and chasing allows me to test antenna cp figurations from home. Later, I'll switch to mobile antennas and see what I can activate!

Chasing for now. I'm too old for serious climbing!

N7KOM's picture
Tim Sherry

Mountaineer / cyclist

SOTA by bike, ski, foot, and truck.

K7WXW's picture
bill hulley

Being in the mountains is just about my favorite way to spend time.

When I am not carrying a radio into the woods to do SOTA or support a wilderness ultra, I like to build RF gear of all sorts. I pick SOTA summits for the challenge or hike rather than the points and when I am out I really enjoy chasing other SOTA ops for S2S points.

My primary rigs are the KX2 and FT2D. I generally use endfed antennas for HF and a half-wave whip or beam for VHF/UHF. I mostly work CW on HF and FM voice on 2M.

In 2021, I put together the first Pacific Northwest Not-Quite-Fourteener to coincide with the Ham14er and Socal SOTAFest. It turned out pretty well, with more than a dozen W7W and W7O ops getting out and making a bunch of S2S contacts.

VE7HAR's picture
Jim Cliffe

Soon to be retired...

Chasing, so far. Want to start activating around Victoria.

AG7GP's picture
Amy Haptonstall

Licensed 2017. Enjoy portable activations. Just learning cw.

Interested in activating.

KC7DM's picture
John Kearns

Still galumphing along in pursuit of the goat . . . Pretty sure the herd's up there somewhere . . .