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I use the same radio on the desk that I use portable - and ICOM 705. I also have a Hendricks PFR3B that I built a number of years ago. Im QRP only on HF. Antenna at home is a Chameleon Emcom 2 set up as a dipole. For portable I use either a chameleon MPAS Lite, or a 58 foot piece of #26 polystealth wire with a LDG 9:1 unun. All of the antennas are good for 160 - 6 meters. For antenna tuners - the PFR has a built in BLT and with the 705 I use either the AH705 auto tuner or a MFJ 9219 manual QRP tuner. I also have a Yaesu FT60 handheld and a Kenwood TMV71A that I use on the desk. For portable power I use the Bioenno batteries and a solar charging system for prolonged portable use. Favorite mode on HF is CW.


Joe Korpela

Licensed in about 1977. Passed Extra exam in 1988 with 21 WPM CW. Main interest QRP CW. Best; Japan on 15M CW with 1/2 watt. Hobbies amateur radio, astronomy (Celestron 9.25" SCT and Celestron NexStar5SE), hiking, camping. Home Station; Kenwood TS590SG, MFJ-949 Tuner, 160m dipole, 80M OCFD, 30M OCFD, Kenwood TMV71 with Diamond 510 vertical. SOTA / Portable; Yaesu FT817ND, Hendricks PFR3B Kit (I built it in 2017) MFJ16010 Tuner, LDG Z817 Tuner, 58 foot wire. SKCC # 7735


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