People who wish to receive the PNW SOTA Newsletter
New CW op. Hoping to chase some SOTAs.
Would like to chase. Might activate some day.
Love being outdoors. I recently retired from my veterinary practice so I hope to be out and about more!
I got started with radio for use while off roading. Then I found out about SOTA! Yay a new hobby!
With retirement, I am renewing my outdoor fun life. This includes off roading, overlanding, and hiking. Recently got interested in HAM radio and then I found SOTA!!!
I plan to be an activator. For UHF / VHF using a FT 60 HT and role up J pole. For HF will be trying EFHW from PackTenna and WRC and 72 inch whip. Radio is an Xiegu g90
Avid hiker and trail runner.
Just getting into SOTA.
love the outdoors and this may get me there
I am literally just starting out
Retired Marine enjoying another hobby.
Climb what I can within my capabilities. Currently have a VX_6 and 891.
Being in the mountains is just about my favorite way to spend time.
When I am not carrying a radio into the woods to do SOTA or support a wilderness ultra, I like to build RF gear of all sorts. I pick SOTA summits for the challenge or hike rather than the points and when I am out I really enjoy chasing other SOTA ops for S2S points.
My primary rigs are the KX2 and FT2D. I generally use endfed antennas for HF and a half-wave whip or beam for VHF/UHF. I mostly work CW on HF and FM voice on 2M.
In 2021, I put together the first Pacific Northwest Not-Quite-Fourteener to coincide with the Ham14er and Socal SOTAFest. It turned out pretty well, with more than a dozen W7W and W7O ops getting out and making a bunch of S2S contacts.
I have been licensed since 1994 and climbing mountains since 1997. Other hobbies include camping, kayaking, and canyoneering. My wife and daughter both have their license and mostly enjoy accompanying me on my adventures.
My portable equipment includes HF and VHF/UHF radios and antennas- IC-V86, KX2, FT-891, and IC-705. I prefer to find remote peaks that require some fun driving and/or bush whacking. My wife (KE7HUP) usually joins me on my adventures and will provide an extra contact for those in need.
I started re-learning Morse code in November ‘23. Mostly using CW as a chaser, but I plan to try some all CW SOTA activations soon.
My first taste of mountaineering and radio was a VHF contests from Mt Hood and South Sister, but that was before SOTA was started.
Outdoor interests include hiking, fishing, sailing and recently added SOTA & POTA.
Getting started with FT5D and IC-705 with EFHW antenna. Recently completed first activation at LC-103, Larch Mt.
Mountaineer / cyclist
SOTA by bike, ski, foot, and truck.
Graphic Designer for a rafting/kayaking/paddlesports company based in Idaho.
New to SOTA (and HAM in general). Avid hiker, backpacker, cyclist—looking to incorporate SOTA into outdoor experiences throughout the PNW.
Recently licensed (November 2024). I like to explore the PNW on foot or Jeep to find things: bugs, birds, plants, rocks.
Just starting. Will be using a Yaesu FT-65R...
I'm interested in getting into the microwave bands and activating summits in the area.
I became a ham for the third time a year ago. I was previously licensed in Alaska as KL7GSU in the late 60s and WL7QD in the mid-90s.
My current ham radio interests are HF DX and, more recently, SOTA. I am a retired fishery scientist/administrator who enjoys hiking so the SOTA activity fits well with my outdoor activities.
I acquired an Elecraft KX2 this summer and have had two SOTA activations so far this fall. Several more are planned for 2024 and I'm looking forward to next summer's hiking season to activate higher elevation peaks.
Activated my first summit in May 2020 and had a great time. SOTA is a wonderful part of the world's greatest hobby!
Activated first summit in May 2020. Gear is KX3 or MTR3B with SOTABeams linked dipole or end-fed wire antenna.
Long-time ham who also enjoys the outdoors. In recent years, I have been combining these two passions and I'm enjoying the new dimensions of both hobbies.
I recently discovered that there are SOTA summits in Capitol State Forest, a short drive from my home which I can access by car: Message Peak W7W/SO-078 and 1380 Callsign Peak W7W/SO-104. Since my backwoods roaming occurs by car these days, I'm excited to find other vehicle accessible summits.
Traded SoCal summits for the PNW, Oct. 2024.
I activate predominantly CW using a plethora of QRP rigs.
I am just starting to activate POTA and SOTA locations. I enjoy working in locations with no noise floor.
I have chased a few activations but I plan on activating summits this year.