People who wish to receive the PNW SOTA Newsletter
Extra class ham with interests in ARES, mesh networking, SOTA, POTA, overlanding and other outdoor activities.
Activating and chasing.
Using a TX-500 QRP radio with an EFHW antenna for HF.
An active 50-something that enjoys cycling, hiking, playing darts (among other things). Living in downtown Portland with my family.
I am a new to HAM so I am just learning SOTA. I would like to activate and chase and my hope is to try to activate by getting to those locations by bike.
Enjoy learning and using CW. I have an Elecraft Kx3 for hiking and an Elecraft K3s for base station. I have spent several years hiking in the mountains of Oregon and Washington. I don't enjoy balancing on the edge of cliffs, would rather hike high hills. I am a licensed Extra in Ham Radio.
I am new at this so will begin by supporting others as a chaser. I hope to begin climbing high hills by the middle of the Summer 2022.
Long time ham first time SOTA
Hiking up a mountain and chatting with people sounds like a good time.
Extra Class license and ARRL VE. XYL of W7SCY. Like hiking and travelling.
Like to activate summits with my husband during easy hikes. Use BaoFeng UV5R with extended whip and spare battery. Have operated from Lava Butte and Paulina Peak.
Licensed in 2018. Have my Amateur Extra Class.
Enjoy camping at state and national campgrounds. Would like to try radio on hikes.
Use an ICOM 706 and wire antenna for HF.
Use a Yeasu FT 70D for UHF/VHF
Just starting. Will likely be more of a chaser than an activator. Will start on some lower elevation summits.
My passion for Ham Radio resides in operating mountaintop portable while participating in Summits On The Air (SOTA). As of July 2023 I have over 120 activations under my belt. Every activation is unique and I learn something new each time about researching summits, gear/pack preparation, hiking, activating and just enjoying my journeys in the great outdoors.
SOTA is THE reason I enjoy ham radio. I was fortunate to have found SOTA while I was in the Air Force, and that allowed me to activate in Hawai'i, Korea, Colorado, Utah, and various other places as I traveled in the military. I have also come to enjoy activating in the winter, both for the points and to keep physically active. I also truly enjoy the camaraderie that SOTA creates between activators and chasers.
I enjoy playing radio, as well as outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, mountain biking, and off road driving.
I am new to SOTA. I am looking to combine my enjoyment of hiking with my radio activities. I'm interested in doing my first activation on Squak Mountain W7W/KG-122, with my Icom IC-V86 2m HT later this spring.
As an electronics hobbyist and long time computer affectionado, ham radio is just adding to the pile of my techno geek passions! I spent over 28 years working for Microsoft and love to travel the world as much as I can. Ham radio allows me to do that on a daily basis.
Another passion of mine is making beer. I've been an avid homebrewer for more than thirty years and make at least one batch of beer every month. If you are in the area, let me know as I always enjoy sharing my passions...
Active spotter and activator in the W7W and W7O areas. I love hiking with my son, backpacking, camping, and ragchewing.
I'm a high schooler, I enjoy this kind of engineering, also love the outdoors so really interested SOTA
Just got my first SOTA at the hill next to my house, love hiking to plan to do some bigger climbs. I like all terrains, glaicer capped, rocky, forested (although im in washington so most are forested)
Just a guy with a FT-DX10 radio.
Not into climbing Mt's, but I can chase those that do. I have a FTM 400 for UHF/VHF and a FT-DX10 for HF. for antanna's I have a couple 40-10m EFHW's i built and 17ft whip with a wolf river shorty 40 coil (for 40-10meters)
Tech license, was a Novice license many moons and many miles ago...
Voice FM, 2m/70cm maybe 1.25m... Anyone play with DMR Direct???
Hiker, biker, radio, emcomm guy
Looking forward to exploring to find out what I enjoy the most.
I fix large scale computer systems for AT&T. Ham since 2011. 2 adult children. Approaching retirement age, but not retirement finances! My wife is pursuing a PhD in protein science from University of Washington.
Almost exclusively an activator. CW, voice. HF and 2m. MTR-3B, KX-3, and Yaesu VX8-GR.
Almost exclusively SOTA. Very active in the southeast for a number of years. VERY briefly a top-10 activator years ago. Then I got busy with other things. Then I moved to Seattle and I've been intimidated by PNW summits.
Primary interests are outdoors, hiking, backpacking, and portable radio. So...SOTA seems obvious.
Primary compliment: Xiegu x6100 paired with 40m OCF dipole or homebrew 20m QRP EFHW, and a Yaesu FT-65 with Arrow antenna. Solo or in a group, fast and light. Worst case scenario, you probably climbed a mountain.
Amateur operator since 2006. Just getting into SOTA and looking forward to getting out there.
I'm just getting started and am gathering gear for SOTA-specific operation. I want to start out in the area where I live, which is Central Oregon.
Currently I mostly work (slow) HF CW which I enjoy though I have a long way to go. I will chase SOTA when I hear a call. Lots of summits near me, so one day I will activate a few.
Here to upload any SOTA activations I might chase. Mostly HF CW but should listen to VHF more often.
Oregon native, relatively new to Ham, brand new to SOTA
Just getting started. I have a few different HTs with various antennas, for activations. I also have a mobile radio in my jeep for chasing.