People who wish to receive the PNW SOTA Newsletter
Originally from California and moved up to Oregon. I got my license in the early 90's but haven't been very active until now. Really wanting to see how things have changed.
Just getting started. Really want to explore POTA and SOTA. Going to contribute any way I can.
Retired New Ham
New ham interested in chasing 10M.
Primary QTH is in Bishop, CA, but my wife and I have a home in Astoria, OR and spend considerable time there--planning to make it home after retirement and hope to be very active in the PNW. Right now, most of my activating is in the White Mountains (WH) and Northern deserts (ND) of W6. I hear and work lots of PNW SOTA activators at my home and S2S. Mostly CW, but I'll break out a microphone now and then. Rig is a KX2, usually running an EFHW.
Mostly CW. Enjoy activating--usually W6/ND and WH, but also do a lot of chasing. Still new at CW, but enjoying it and getting better. Rig is KX2, usually at 5 watts and usually into an EFHW.
Chaser at this time, but will like to do an activation.
Chasert this time, but will like to do an activation.
14 yrs USAF (E-5) avionics tech on SR-71/U-2/KC-135, 20 yrs as IT manager.
Newcomer and new chaser only at this time. General ticket, studying for extra. I have a Yaesu FT-891 for HF/6m, Anytone AT-588V2 for 1.25m FM, Kenwood TM-D710GA for 2m/70cm FM, and Wouxon KG-UV8H HAT for 2m/70cm FM.
My range at the moment is W7W in the PL, LC, and MC regions and W7O in the NC, WV and CN regions.
They call me "Turk."
Aging dirtbag mountaineer, aiming to combine ham w/ the summits I can still drag myself up.
My name is Stephen and I was originally licensed as KK7QEO. My goal was to get my license by the end of 2023.
I enjoy activating summits (SOTA) and am striving to be a shack sloth (chasing SOTA). I spend most of my time on 2M (146.580MHz) and on a local ARES net (147.320 ARRG Repeater).
I'm committed to obtaining my General license and competing with my dad to see who gets there first. Bring it, Dad!
I am presently 10 years old. Hope to catch you on the air!
First activation was W7O/CN-106
New ham. June 2022 technician's license. Upgraded to general in August.
Started doing local SOTA activations. Connecting with local SOTA people. It's awesome. I keep planning my next activation! and now taking a cw class for qrp cw activations eventually ...
I have a Yaesu 300D and hope to get a portable HF radio at some point and start doing more remote activations.
I live in Beaverton with my family. In the past I spent quite a bit of time climbing, backpacking, winter camping, back country skiing/camping. Now I do fair weather camping ;) hiking, fishing, skiing and other outdoor activies when I can get out.
New ham and want to explore doing SOTA and POTA. I really want to familiarize myself with it and maybe do some spotting, if possible on VHF and UHF.
Currently I have a Yaesu FTM 300D and some 5 watt handhelds both are VHF/UHF only. I use the Yaesu for both home base and mobile. I plan to get an HF mobile radio, maybe a Yaesu 818 or 891? Not sure yet.
Retired Electric Utility System Operator
Member of the Clark County ARES
Member of the Clark County VEC
New to this and interested in learning and participating
Retired Air Traffic Controller. Recently licensed (2023) HAM.
New to SOTA. Interested in both chasing and activating.
Been involved in ham radio since I was a kid. I used to climb trees and hang antennas for my dad, WQ7C. I enjoy mostly HF portable and love digital communications, especially FT-8.
Brand new, hope to get out this spring.
Ham since 2020.
Interested in home-built QRP radios.
Just starting out in SOTA.
Currently my radio is a home-built QRP (5W SSB/CW)
Ham since 1958. Love CW and hiking.
Retired physics and math guy.
KX2 and KX3, 40/20m trap dipole, 40/30/20 linked dipole, endfed halfwave, mostly CW. Activate principally in SW Oregon. Always looking for a SOTA hiking buddy.
Licensed a few years ago, messing around VHF/UHF mobile in the garage. Upgraded to general recently with a desire to get into HF. Currently running a Yaesu Ft-710 in the shack and mobile for POTA. Recently started with the LICW club.Not sure which rig I will wind up with for SOTA.
I carried a HT up Cervidae peak once.
Newbie Technician licensee interested in SOTA
Noob with a handful of local summit activations. Looking forward to more adventurous outings
Been chasing POTA for a few months and have a few SOTA in the log as well, new to HF.
I got my license in 2016 and started SOTA pretty much right away...I made my first activation and first QSOs within hours of receiving my ticket.
I activate as much as possible so long as an ice axe isn't required.
Ham in Walla Walla, WA; hikes, bikes, and skis, not much of a climber
interested in doing some easy SOTA activations around eastern WA or north-eastern OR; equipment will likely be Yaesu FT818, ZM2ATU, and a wire.
Also looking to chase SOTA more once I get my logging software in order.
Licensed since 2017. Strong focus on CW and Digital modes for POTA activations. Just getting started as a SOTA chaser (I'm in Ohio so it's...interesting!). Living the QRP lifestyle all day, every day.
I'm just getting started. Very interested in chasing as I'm not exactly in the best place to activate.
I've doing SOTA for a few years and was suggested to join this group
I'm well on my way as a chaser with over 800 points and now have over 100 as an activator. I recently activated Lakeview Benchmark (W6/NE-258) which is located on private property but was lucky enough that I know one of the employees on this ranch.
I have a KX2 that feeds an end-fed antenna along with several HT's.