People who wish to receive the PNW SOTA Newsletter

WA7MPC's picture
Mark Cohen

I'm new to SOTA, but for now I'm focused on 2m FM around the Puget Sound :)

KK7ER's picture
Mike Deisher

I'm an speech/audio signal processing and machine learning engineer, husband, and father.

I just started with some activations in the Indian Heaven Wilderness.

KK7MRC's picture
Hank Yates

I'm Hank!

Been active in the Northern Olympics.

KD7QOW's picture
Josef Hoffman

I'm an avid mountain biker and backcountry skier and sometimes I go hiking if I'm under duress. I have a YouTube channel dedicated to mountain biking called Voice Over Trail Reviews. I will add SOTA content to the channel as appropriate.

I've activated a few summits now. I like to ski to summits in the Winter and mountain bike to them whenever possible in the Summer. I work SSB and digital modes to activate. Often I can be found with my FT-891 blasting 100 watts from my summits to ensure success. If it's a distant summit, I'll bring my IC-705. If I know there's folks out there listening, I'll even bring my yagi and activate 2 meter SSB.

KA7WYR's picture
Chuck Dorsett

Hi I'm KA7WYR, licensed back in the 1980's along with my entire family, earning my Novice and Tech (with code) licenses. This year 2024 upgraded my license to General and have started doing more HF ops. Living in Western Washington I wanted to become more active and combining hiking and radios seemed like a great combination! My full QRZ bio at

QTH is Issaquah, WA and starting (in 2024) to activate local peaks in W7W and branching out from there in terms of difficulty. For equipment I have a 2m/70cm HT with rollable j-pole antenna, and also recently build a packable HF rig based on FT-891 and either EFHW or simple dipole.

KN6NVO's picture
Hailey Clark

I'm a few years into having my license and am making an effort to do more ham stuff now that I've gotten more involved in the local community and enjoy outdoors and summits and having a reason to be ontop of a mountain longer than just to look at the view.

I like FT8 and digital modes such as APRS and maybe 2m fm if I am limited in equipment. I plan to start out with some local summits to get a feel for what I still need and getting a highly portable low powered QRP setup that I can carry entirely on my back. Am starting with places relatively easy to get to but I'd eventually like to graduate to doing multiple day excursions with what can be hiked into an area with me and a friend or two. (They're really just porters after all for batteries!) I've only really been on one summit with the radio on Mt Tabor this last weekend and had great results on FT8, its very encouraging and has me totally stoked for the possibilities that are available to me now that I've gotten to learn enough to really understand some of the capabilities that a qrp hf radio with a good antenna can get you. I've been really enjoying making antennas so, I feel antennas are gonna be something I'm going to be dealing with a lot and have tons of possibilities and challenges figuring out the best setup for a given summit.

KK7ISX's picture
Todd Bevans

Hey all. I live in Boise, ID. I enjoy hiking, backpacking, fly fishing, rafting, and skiing. My favorite areas are the Owyhees, Salmon Mountains, and the Wallowas. I’ve fallen in love with QRP operations. I work as a paramedic and firefighter, and I teach wilderness medicine course for National Outdoor Leadership School.

Clibing, skiing, hiking w/ a Elecraft KH1 (or a Xiegu X6100) and a Yaesu FT5DR

VA7SGY's picture
Bruce Cairnie

Living in Langley, BC, and working in healthcare. Active in amateur radio for 7 years and in SOTA for the past 2 years.

All my SOTA activity has been in VE7, partly due to restrictions on travel through COVID. I use HF CW, SSB and 2m FM with my FT-818ND and EFHW or 4 element yagi beam.

K7AMM's picture
Bryan Estes

Originally from north Idaho, I've been living in the Portland area since 2009. I studied philosophy, literature, and education, and lived in Japan and France. Currently I teach computer science and woodworking at Corbett High School.

I'm drawn to logistically interesting summits, near or above the treeline. Other interests that intersect with SOTA: mountaineering, splitboarding, dual-sport moto, cycling. I mostly operate CW and 2-meter using my KX3 and homebrew antennas.

W7DOF's picture
Jim Larson

New ham and chasing allows me to test antenna cp figurations from home. Later, I'll switch to mobile antennas and see what I can activate!

Chasing for now. I'm too old for serious climbing!

KK7NTV's picture
Ben Marwick

I enjoy hiking with a purpose. Sometimes the purpose is to hold the antenna for KK7NWD. Sometimes it's talking to people with our FT5DR on 2m FM or C4FM.

I'm interested in activating and chasing the summits near Seattle.

WA7BEN's picture
Ben Marwick

I enjoy doing SOTA with my son, WA7OOO

2m, CW, SSB with a KX3, KH1, FT5R

N7LKL's picture
Dave Straube

Chasing and Activating.

K7NCM's picture
Nat Mote

Please see my QRZ page

I've only done a handful of SOTA activations but I've been sporadically participating in SOTA for almost two years. I use a KX2, with a KXPA100 at home and for many POTA activations. In the field I have a couple bottom-loaded verticals to choose from as well as several homebuilt wire antennas. At home I have a G5RV configured as an inverted V with the center about 50 feet off the ground.

It's been fun to see what 10 W can get you with a little elevation. I'm excited to keep exploring with my KX2.

W7MTB's picture
Chris Johannsen

I'm a reforming software engineer, trying to return to the infrastructure and network engineering world. Been tinkering with electronics/arduino/RasberryPi on and off for a while.

Started watching Ham Radio Crash Course and got hooked on the idea of SOTA/POTA. Been reading/watching lots of youtube on the subject.

KV2B's picture
William Swearingen

I like to activate. I have one attempted activation (got three contacts), and one successful activation (W7O/CE-303). I recently attended the 3rd annual Central Oregon S2S party, put on by W7MTB. At the bonfire there I committed to making six more activations before the next S2S party in the fall.

WB7VTY's picture
Joe Korpela

Licensed in about 1977. Passed Extra exam in 1988 with 21 WPM CW. Main interest QRP CW. Best; Japan on 15M CW with 1/2 watt. Hobbies amateur radio, astronomy (Celestron 9.25" SCT and Celestron NexStar5SE), hiking, camping. Home Station; Kenwood TS590SG, MFJ-949 Tuner, 160m dipole, 80M OCFD, 30M OCFD, Kenwood TMV71 with Diamond 510 vertical. SOTA / Portable; Yaesu FT817ND, Hendricks PFR3B Kit (I built it in 2017) MFJ16010 Tuner, LDG Z817 Tuner, 58 foot wire. SKCC # 7735

I use the same radio on the desk that I use portable - and ICOM 705. I also have a Hendricks PFR3B that I built a number of years ago. Im QRP only on HF. Antenna at home is a Chameleon Emcom 2 set up as a dipole. For portable I use either a chameleon MPAS Lite, or a 58 foot piece of #26 polystealth wire with a LDG 9:1 unun. All of the antennas are good for 160 - 6 meters. For antenna tuners - the PFR has a built in BLT and with the 705 I use either the AH705 auto tuner or a MFJ 9219 manual QRP tuner. I also have a Yaesu FT60 handheld and a Kenwood TMV71A that I use on the desk. For portable power I use the Bioenno batteries and a solar charging system for prolonged portable use. Favorite mode on HF is CW.

KF3KF's picture
Alan Ertle

Retired physician and large medical group and hospital administrator. Born and raised in Bend, Oregon graduating in 1972 long before Bend became overrun and the quality of life ruined there. 4th generation Oregonian on both sides. Tested for all three licenses in the summer of 2018 but didn't do anything in ham radio until April 2024. Active in K-BAR-A and Klamath County ARES.

None so far. Will primarily be a hunter.

K7KER's picture
Kathleen Kerns

I'll fill this out later.

I'll fill this out later.

KK7IUD's picture
Katherine Maack

I'm a software engineer, democratic socialist, living kidney donor, bicycle rider, backpacker, pilgrim, and now a ham radio operator. I received my callsign on 25 October 2022.

I am a new ham and I have activated a small handful of times in Oregon and Southern Washington. My default radio is the Explorer QRZ-1 I received in QRZ's free new ham package. Everything is exciting right now because i'm newer and still getting used to doing anything over radio.