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Palisade Mountain, Montana | October 2022

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Voice Cellular Coverage: 
Decent, workable
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Decent, workable
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APRS Coverage: 
Don't know

Palisade Mountain is a popular hike east of Corvallis, MT. The trail system is well maintained to within 500’ of the summit. The summit is a large talus rock pile with a several oddly-located whitebark pine trees.  Evidence of the 1930s lookout still exist as some rock work and old trails in the talus. The main trail does not go to the summit though a semi-improved travel way in the talus on the west side does. Excellent views exist from the summit including a large expanse of the Stony Mountain Roadless Area. 

Trail Miles: 3 on-trail,  1000’ off-trail, round trip

Elevation Gain:  400’

Water:   None

Bear Spray:  Recommend for all Montana summit hikes

Camping: Ample room is at the trailhead or several places along the access road 

Map: US Forest Service, Bitterroot National Forest

Directions:  From Corvallis, MT follow Willow Creek Road #373 for 2.25 miles west to junction with the signed Willlow Creek Road.  Turn right continuing on the Willow Creek road and travel up this road approximately 5.7 miles where it becomes FS#364.  Follow #364 another 3.7 miles where it continues straight as FS road #969 (#364 crosses Willow Creek to the south).  Continue onto #969 approximately 4.5 miles to the junction with #1302, right turn.  Follow #1302 approximately 8 miles to the Palisades Trailhead. The trailhead is signed.  The road is suitable for all but low clearance vehicles.   
