Good Views From Summit

Summit has good "views"
K7WXW's picture

bird mountain wa | sept 2024


Summary - Bird Mountain, in the Indian Heaven Wilderness, combines good trails and a steep bushwhack (not for beginners).  While makes for a longish day, link it with Lemei Rock for a two summit, twelve point outing.  The trip from Portland to the Cultus Creek Campground (day fee or pass required) is about two hours on mosly paved roads.  ATT digital service is good, as is APRS.

K7WXW's picture

lemei rock wa | sept 2024


Summary - Lemi Rock, in the Indian Heaven Wilderness, combines good trails, a steep bushwhack (not for beginners), and some optional ridge scrambling.  While makes for a longish day, link it with Bird Mountain for a two summit, twelve point outing.  The trip from Portland to the Cultus Creek Campground (day fee or pass required) is about two hours on mosly paved roads.  ATT digital service is good, as is APRS.

N7KOM's picture

Round Top Butte


After activating Little Glass Butte, I drove down the south side towards Round Top Butte (GPX). The road down was rocky with obsidian, be sure to collect some when you stop to open the wire gates. Once down the mountain, turn east and follow the ranch road.

N7KOM's picture

Glass Butte, OR | August 2024


Glass Buttes in central Oregon is a premier rockhounding location. The summit of Glass Butte is accessed off of Highway 20 up a well-maintained gravel road (GPS track). There are some small water bars on the road, a passenger vehicle could make it up no problem with careful driving.

AG7GP's picture

Pothole Butte, OR August, 2024


I did Pothole Butte after Maklaks. It was not on my list for this trip but you always should keep a back up plan if you have some extra time or one fails right?

I came from Sun Mountain Rd but this is easily accessed from 97 via FS RD 70. Take a left off RD70 at 42.95707, -121.87904. The SW side of the mountain is very steep and cliffs. We drove around the south side to 42.95635, -121.9501.

K7WXW's picture

lookout mountain (the long way) | aug 24


Summary - I first hiked Lookout Mountain via the usual route, High Praire Trail, Tim N7KOM as part of a two day outing that included SOTA summits 6001 and Badger Butte.

K7WXW's picture

larch mtn or (the long way) | aug 24


Summary - Most folks drive to the Larch parking lot and walk up to the observation platform. This is the long way up. You will start from Multnomah Falls on I84 and climb 4200 feet over seven miles.

WX7OR's picture

Goat Mountain WA, August 2024


Goat Mount is a nice steep ridgeline hike.  The total distance from the trail head is just over a mile with an elevation gain of 1500 feet.  The peak is line of sight to much of Portland, so 2m contacts were plentiful.  There are many nice trees for HF antennas.