UPDATE: the instructions given by Bill WJ7WJ in A Good Hand of Pinochle are still accurate. However, when I was up there last week, there were several trees that had blown over the road and only some of them had been cleared. I had forgotten to bring the chainsaw and they were too thick to cut with my bow saw.
Good Parking At Trailhead
Vedder Mountain, WA | December 2024 | Rain, Mud, and Big Smiles
With a slight gap in my family duties, the time finally came for one last 2024 SOTA adventure on
Pocket Knoll, OR | May 2020
Here’s a near drive-up 2-point summit that might be part of your plan to visit the Redwoods in SW Oregon.
Mount Gauldy, OR | Dec 2024
Mount Gauldy is an easy summit near Hebo Oregon
It is either a drive up or a road walk of at most 3.5mi RT and 600ft elevation gain.
Bobs Mountain, WA | Nov 2024
Just an update: the road to the trailhead has been re-gravelled since we activated in 2023. Discovery Pass still required.
And it is possible to get closer to the summit by parking next to the electrical tower at (45.658181, -122.183540).
Getting there: The route is quite straighforward. As of October 2024, it is possible to drive the 1/2 mile up the brushed-in logging road from the 5800 road to where the old road grade peels off. There is parking for two vehicles at the start of the bushwhack.
Lucky Butte, OR | Oct 2024
This summit was my last one on a recent trip to Willamette National Forest.
It came about after all the other summits I had selected north of the Santiam Hwy were closed due to recent fire damage.
Saturday Rock
Having approached this area from both the West and the East, I strongly suggest that you get here from the East, by driving through Carson and driving up the 42 road to where it meets with the 53 road. The route from the West is technically shorter if you're coming from the Portland area, but unless you live in Battle Ground, it's not worth it. The roads from that direction are just too bumpy and grown over. It takes longer and it beats up your vehicle.
Round Top, OR | Sep 2024
Hike: 2 miles RT Bushwhack
Elevation Gain: 500 feet
There are eight Round Tops in Oregon although two of them add another word to the name. This one is a few miles north and a bit east of John Day Oregon as the radio signal flies.