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Idaho - Eagle Cliff 12July2018

K7VK's picture
Voice Cellular Coverage: 
Spotty, may not work at all
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Spotty, may not work at all
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APRS Coverage: 
Don't know

The hike to Eagle Cliff on Stateline National Recreation Trail #738 has many scenic views along the route including alpine cirque basins and alpine lakes, Cliff and Diamond, and some small unnamed lakes. Wildlife encountered along the trail were mule deer, several dusky grouse and a family of Clark’s nutcrackers. 

An interesting historical monument is at the summit.  It is an iron post survey monument marking the Idaho/Montana State Boundary.  W7LIX informed me that the monument is MP177.1 placed there in 1904.   


Elevation gain: 1200’

Trail Miles:    5.5 round trip.  All but the last 500’ are on well maintained trail.

Water:  None.  The trail hike and summit are dry except for early season snowmelt. 

Bear Pepper Spray:  Highly recommended in all Northern Idaho and Montana summits

Map:  Superior Ranger District, Lolo National Forest
