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Buckles Mountain, ID | May 2024

NE7ET's picture
Voice Cellular Coverage: 
Good, very usable
Data Cellular Coverage: 
Good, very usable
Cellular Provider: 
APRS Coverage: 
Don't know

This summit is a good pairing with Cedar Mountain (W7I/NP-119), though a bit of a long hike around 8 miles RT for both.

Continuing on E Forest Service Rd 1552 from the Cedar Mountain parking spot (see my trip report here) to the parking spot at (47.86576170115855, -116.58885998342303).  Also, at some point 1552 turns into 406 on the maps.  Head up the spur road (N FS Rd 2302, which is gated) for around 2 miles and around 600' elevation.  When I was there on Memorial Day 2024, there were a lot of logging machines cleaning up after the big forest fire of 2023, but no workers.  So maybe go on the weekend until that has cleared.

NOTE: I was planning to use the alternate route home on 1530 but, also given the forest fire cleanup, that road looked a bit too freshly dug up for my taste and I returned on 1552.

The summit is forested but not very densely so it is easy to put up a pole and wire.  Looks like someone was provisioning it for their weekend rest area with stacked firewood and ring.  Assorted other junk completes the look.

No view of the surrounding area from the summit but lots of space to setup and operate.
