Easy Trail

Trail contains no technical obstacles
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Pete's Mountain, OR | March-2012


There's nothing particularly interesting about Pete's Mountain - it's essentially a suburban pavement activation for one point. There's no public space so one ends up standing on the public right of way a few feet from the road, pretty much in someone's front yard. I was across the street from the actual 'summit' that's in the front yard of a large house. 

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Glass Butte, OR | Sep-2012


The road to Glass Butte requires a high clearance vehicle and four-wheel drive is recommended.

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Buck Peak, OR | Sep-2012


Sixteen miles of roundtrip hiking, even on a nice bit of the PCT, is a long way to go for two points, but it might the easiest way to get to Buck Peak and it's a lovely hike just the same.

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Lava Butte, OR | Sep-2012


Lava Butte is an easy and fun four pointer if you are ever in Central Oregon. It is a drive-up summit part of the year. There is a sometimes staffed lookout at the top and enough room for operating and most any antenna. Since it is a popular spot, you could get plenty of questions about ham radio when it is busy.

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N7UN Activation of Table Rock, OR (near Mollala)


Overview: Table Rock is just south of Mollala OR.  Although it is in the Table Rock Wilderness Area, active logging occurs in the area.  Watch out for log trucks!  This is a popular hiking destination so expect to see a lot of hikers on the weekend. On a clear day, Mt Rainer to Mt Mount McLoughlin can be seen.  The east side of Table Rock has the 1000 ft cliff face seen in most pictures.

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High Rock, WA


On September 1st, Taylor and I returned to the site of our first "real" SOTA activation almost a year later. Before climbing High Rock in late September 2011, my SOTA activities had been confined to one and two point locations where one had to make an effort to travel far enough from the vehicle to satisfy the spirit of the game. Until this fourth summit came along, I was able to carry way too much stuff the short distance from the vehicle to the operating location.

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N7UN Activation of Llao Rock in Crater Lake Park, OR


"Llao is the god of the underworld in the mythology of the Klamath Native American tribe. Llao fought a great battle with the sky god, Skell, which caused the eruption of Mount Mazama, creating Crater Lake."  (from Wikipedia  ).  I'm not sure of the correct pronuciation of "Llao".

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Black Butte, OR


Black Butte is one of those mountains that is very recognizable and easy to spot on the horizon. Not because it has any disctinctive features, but rather because it has none. It looms darkly over the desert of central oregon as a perfect cone, easily distinguished from its sharp and craggy neighbors like Mt. JeffersonMt.

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Barlow Ridge, OR | Aug-2012


Barlow Ridge is a pleasant three mile or so hike (OW) east of Mount Hood with about 1000 feet gain. Although relatively close to Portland the trail is seldom used, (especially past Barlow Butte) and has a nice 'wild' character about it. In other words, the trail seldom sees maintenance. It's a leg stretcher with about 1000 feet of net gain, but quite a bit more elevation change with all the ups and downs along the ridge line. Quite a bit more. 

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Lookout Mountain, OR


When a more complex plan failed to come to fruition Friday night, we decided late that we would head to Lookout Mountain in Oregon for Saturday's activation. We had been there before, and it is one of our all-time favorite SOTA summits. Just before we were heading out the door Saturday morning, I realized I had forgotten to alert us because the decision had been so late. I was shocked to see that K7ATN was scheduled for the same summit that day!