For Taylor's first post-surgery activation, we were looking for a summit we could nearly drive to in order to minimize the required walking. The morning of the trip was the first time she had donned her boots since the procedure, so we weren't sure how much walking she'd be up for. We had originally planned a 2-point summit in the coast range because we knew we could get within a few hundred feet in the Jeep. However, a late tip from N7AAM on Friday had us rolling towards Lookout Mountain on the Washington side of the gorge.
Easy Trail
Mt. Defiance - July 8, 2012
A short hike to Mount Defiance in Oregon is from Wahtum Lake Road and is about 3.6 miles roundtrip with 1140 ft gain. From Dee near Hood River, it's about a 10-mile drive on FR 2820 to the Upper Mount Defiance trailhead.
South Tiger Mountain, WA | July-2012
South Tiger Mountain is the easiest of a trio of peaks in the Tiger Mountain State Forest near Issaquah, Washington.
(Note of August 2018 - temporary closure of South Tiger Traverse - access from the north is still possible.)
I-90 Exit 25 for Highway 18 is the easiest way to reach the trailhead parking area. I've used the upper parking lot for two activations here - note that a Washington State Discovery Pass is required. There is an unattractive toilet at the upper parking lot.
Gold Mountain 7/8/12
Decided to kick it up a notch this time, (but only one notch) and do a 4 pointer. But feeling a bit lazy I went looking for a 4-pointer that I could reach without a really long hike. Gold Mountain, just east of Darrington, fits the bill. I headed north from downtown Darrington on SR530, and then east on Sauk Prairie Rd. After a couple miles, turned south on FS24 (pretty good gravel road), and after 4 or 5 miles turned right on FS2420 (OK gravel road with a few potholes to dodge).
Big Southern Butte, ID | June 2012
This is probably the easiest summit to locate in Idaho. It is a volcanic dome that rises 2500 feet in the middle of the Snake River Lava Plain. You can't miss it. I accessed it from the ARCO approach, a drive of about 20 miles across a dusty BLM desert road which brought me to the base. Here I unloaded my ATV and rode up the summit trail which is 5 miles one way. A really fine and popular ATV trail ride. The trail ends at the very peak where there is a viewing platform and stinky outhouse.
Double Header Part 1: Lakeview Peak
UPDATE (as of June 18, 2017): Weyerhaeuser now requires a recreational permit in order to access this area.
My First Activation
After attending Dan and Taylor's (KK7DS & K7TAY) seminar at SEAPAC, I was inspired to give SOTA a try.
Little Baldy
My Adventures in fitness and SOTA continue! This was a fun one, spur of the moment decision to do it. Hours drive to the trail head, hour up, 30 minutes operating, hour down and an hour drive home. The view from the top was really nice and there was a ledge with a really good drop off as well!
GPX and Google Earth files here.
Three Lakes Hill
I wanted to do an easy one on my own after my first activation with a group. This summit was one that I knew I could drive up. I hiked the last quarter mile to the actual summit and used my hand held for the activation. Had fun and Yukon and I got a bit more exercise.
First time activator...
Finally stopped being only a shack sloth and decided to try to be a mountain goat for once. I went with a group of friends and took my best friend and service dog Yukon with me. It was a real blast with successful activation, Yukon and I can't wait till the next summit. We decided to start small and plan on slowly working our way up to the tougher summits.