Good Views From Summit

Summit has good "views"
N7LFO's picture

Unicorn Peak (2m bust) May 27, 2023


My second bust in the Tatoosh Range! These peaks are far enough from PDX that 2m won't reach, and despite the proximity to Seattle, there happens to be a big chuck of rock and ice in the way. I knew it would be a stretch, but was hopeful the extra time on the summit would give me a chance to round up four contacts. Nope. Advice: either bring a beam antenna, your HF rig, or coordinate with other activators and chasers to make sure you can get it done.

K7ATN's picture

Peak 2905, OR | June 2023


Steep, but Priusable route for activating Peak 2905. A one way hike of about 0.9 miles and 100 feet gain. The AZ is on Stimpson Timber land. 

WJ7WJ's picture

Lone Ridge, OR | Jun 2023


I thought I would do an update and pull together the two trip reports for this summit.
It is 9.5 miles round trip and 1200 feet of gain from the gate to the summit.
This makes it a very nice biketavation as the slope is usually managable on the bike with a few hike a bikes here and there. The road is good gravel and goes all the way to the top. The views are wonderful.

K7RNJ's picture

Rocky Top, OR - May 2023


May 28th, 2023.  Trip #3 up Rocky Top for me and activation #2.  But this time we were a party of 7, 5 of which were general class operators.  

K7AGL's picture

Dusk Point, WA | May 2023


Dusk Point is a 1.8 mile round trip (500 ft vertical) hike off of FR-2364 in the South Olympics.  Access is straightforward (once the snow melts!) but FR-2364 does require a high clearance vehicle. The summit is exposed with limited to no shade even though some trees line the perimeter.  I did not have any ATT cell service but there is excellent APRS two-way messaging to enable spotting.

N0DNF's picture

Badger Peak Idaho 5/23/2023


Badger Peak is a easy 4 pt summit.  Mostly a drive up with about a 1 mile hike to AZ.  There is about  650 ft of vertical lift from the parking place.

K7RNJ's picture

Monument Peak, OR - May 2023


Parking for Monument Peak summit (aka Peak 4740) is on Monument Peak Road (MPR) about 7.5 miles up from the Monument Peak Trailhead at the south end of Gates School Road.  Gates School Road is at milepost 33 on OR-22 east of Salem.  I recommend parking here: (44.6966, -122.3343), the junction of MPR and what is now a washed out logging road - 2WD vehicles need not apply. 

N7LF's picture

Maryhill Benchmark, WA | May 2023


The summit of Maryhill Benchmark (aka Juniper Point by the locals) is a drive-up radio site located on private property. Public drive-up access is restricted due to multiple private properties, the Tuolumme Wind Project Authority Project and a locked gate. The facility has 24/7 onsite security and patrols. There is a Radio site on Maryhill Benchmark and service personnel have an easement to travel to the summit. I maintain equipment at this radio site.

NR7Y's picture

2853 (NC-128), OR | April 2023


NC-128 is one of the "new" peaks added during the 2023 ARM update. It's on private Stimson land, but publicly accessible to walk-in during weekends and after 4pm on weekdays. The easiest access is drive-in/hike-in from the south via Turner Creek Rd past Barney Reservoir, but would also be accessible by long hike or bike via the north through the same roads as NC-066. If doing the drive/hike route, it's a 15 mile gravel road drive and a 1 mile gravel road hike to the summit. This is easily paired with Blind Cabin Ridge NC-031.

KC7JNU's picture

Davis Peak, WA | May 2023


Davis Peak is very accessible to Portland Metro, with a half mile hike and offers an amazing view. The downside is a fair bit of RF interference from the installation sharing the peak with you.


The google directions were accurate, although I will note that the main road to the peak has 2 names, and signage alternates between them : "Aho Carson" and "Davis Peak Road". When google told us to take a right onto Davis Peak Road the sign at the turn said "Aho Carson".