Good Views From Summit

Summit has good "views"
KI7EMX's picture

Bull Mountain, Utah | August 2023


K7JTO first activated this summit in June 2020 along with Peak 9335 (W7U/BO-002) and George Peak (W7U/NU-045). His write-up can be found in the Resources section of the SotaMaps peak reference.  He provides a very good description of all the peaks along with some great pictures.  The following is additional information that may help in planning.

KI7EMX's picture

Peak 9335, Utah | August 2023


K7JTO first activated this summit in June 2020 along with George Peak (W7U/NU-045) and Bull Mountain (W7U/B0-001). His write-up can be found in the Resources section of the SotaMaps peak reference.  He provides a very good description of all the peaks along with some great pictures.  The following is additional information that may help in planning.

WX7OR's picture

Mt St Helens, WA Aug 2023


My wife and I volunteered to help with the Volcanic 50K on Saturday at Butte Camp.  It had been a few years since we climbed Mt St Helens, so we decided that would be a fun add on to the trip.  I searched for alternative routes to Monitor Ridge and found a few references to an ascent from Butte Camp.

AG7GP's picture

Willow Creek Mountain, CA Aug 2023


I did Willow after Ball. It is a trek up through the timber, navigating up a ridge around the lava rock and trees. Not bad at all. See my tracks. On top it is a little tight to set up because of the steepness and rock and brush but very doable in the AZ.

AG7GP's picture

Ball Mountain, CA Aug 2023


It had been 4 years since I went down to do Ball Mt and I'm not sure why I don't get down here more. Ball is a great <2mi RT hike on a gated lookout road. I love the lookout on Ball. There are great views with ample space and choice of location in the AZ, exposed around LO or go down into the trees a little. Each time I have gone I have also done Willow Creek Mt and this trip added Eagle Rock also. All can be done in a day if you plan accordingly.

W7MTB's picture

Fox Butte, OR| August 2023


Fox Butte is an easy activation IF you are equipped with HF. I wouldn't rely on 2M unless maybe you bring a yagi to help get your signal to Bend. The roads are in much better than expected shape, and other that the fact that it is a long drive, it was quite pleasant and any passenger car can make the trip.


Full report here

W7MTB's picture

No Name 7032 Near Todd Lake, OR | Aug 2023


It was a bit surprising that this summit had not been activated. It is a fairly easy hike but it does require a back country permit for access in the Three Sisters Wilderness, which may have put some folks off. Also, Todd Lake is quite busy in the Summer tourism months and permits are limited, though we had no trouble getting one a couple days prior to our planned outing.


N0DNF's picture

Ryan Mountain, Idaho


  This is a nice drive up summit with either a high clearance vehicle or ORV.  From Idaho Falls, Idaho, take Hwy US 20 past Rexburg ID and turn off at Exit 339 toward ID-33 Driggs/Jackson Hole exit.  Go through the small town of Teton and proceed East 16 miles to Canyon Creek RD on your right.  You will merge onto N Canyon Creek Rd and pass Green Canyon Hot Springs.  Stay on this road a couple of miles until you see a FS sign saying Relay Ridge trail 219 on your left.  Stay on 219 approx 9 miles on this 4 wheel drive/OVR road and it will take you to Ryans Peak.

AG7GP's picture

Red Cone, OR 2023


There is already some written on Red Cone. I find a lot of the CLNP hikes difficult in the soft pumice which this is, most of the way. I am putting my 2c in on the AZ. I went alone and was told the first summit is in the AZ. When I arrived it sure didn't look like it so I walked the saddle, checked the low point in the saddle, and it seemed about 110' below the true summit according to all my GPS and topo lines on the map. I also used N6ARA's AZ app and it too says the first peak is not in the AZ.

WA7JNJ's picture

Tipsoo Peak, OR | July 2023


After arriving Thursday afternoon at the W7O Campout, Ryan NN7M invited me to join him and his dog Tori for a hike to Tipsoo Peak.  This summit was recently added as a new SOTA summit in Feb 2023, and was excited to hear this would be a first activation (Mark K7MAS also activated the summit the next day...and was part of the first UTC day activation)
