Exposed Summit

Summit is exposed to wind, rain, sun (and good views)
N7UN's picture

Recent Ascent Track for Gifford Peak


Start the ascent at 45.99028, -121.80308 on the Thomas Lake trail.  Initially the trail threads between two lakes then starts up an old logging road (my guess) before Indian Heaven became a wilderness in 1984.

Note that it can be very windy on the easterly exposed summit, especially if there is any kind of east wind in the Gorge.

AG7GP's picture

Sand Ridge, OR August 2024


Sand Ridge was the first of 3 I did while doing a quick spontaneous one night camping trip to Wood River at Jackson F Kimball State Park. After setting up camp, we went to scout it for the next day but were able to get close enough I decided to hike up and activate it that evening.

K7WXW's picture

lookout mountain (the long way) | aug 24


Summary - I first hiked Lookout Mountain via the usual route, High Praire Trail, Tim N7KOM as part of a two day outing that included SOTA summits 6001 and Badger Butte.

WX7OR's picture

Goat Mountain WA, August 2024


Goat Mount is a nice steep ridgeline hike.  The total distance from the trail head is just over a mile with an elevation gain of 1500 feet.  The peak is line of sight to much of Portland, so 2m contacts were plentiful.  There are many nice trees for HF antennas.


KD7QOW's picture

Bare Mountain


This is another summit I activated with my mountain bike and in this case that turned out to be a mistake as the bushwhack to the top is very steep, very thick, and not at all fun to do in bike shorts and shoes with spd cleats in them. 

WJ7WJ's picture

Dean Mountain, OR | Aug 2024


Dean Mountain, also labeled on some maps "Dear Mountain", as in Dear Mountain it's been such a long time, sorry I haven't written.

N7KOM's picture

Mount Mcloughlin, OR (July 2024)


Heading into the 2024 W7O Campout weekend, I was 36 points shy of Mountain Goat. K6ARK and I hit some strategic drive ups on the way down for 10 points, and then knocked out 24 points on the Siskiyou Crest. That left me at 998 points going into Saturday. I didn't want to activate just any summit for my MG, I wanted something that called back to the mountaineering I was doing when I first got licensed and learned of SOTA.

K7WXW's picture

table rock or (rooster rock th) | jul 2024


Summary - Table Rock from the Rooster Rock trailhead is an adventure hike: rough trail, one bog, some very steep sections, a bit of bushwhacking and route finding. The hike, which climbs to Rooster Rock and then traverses the ridge to Table Rock is 8.5mi round trip with 3000ft of up, is probably not for the faint of heart.

K7WXW's picture

rocky top or | jul 2024


Summary - Rocky Top, on the edge of the Beachie Creek Lionshead burn, is a short hike, about .75mi and 700ft, from the trailhead. The drive up from HW22 is 8.5 miles, much of it narrow, exposed and rough but doable with 2WD. You may want to stop at the trailhead for the Arch and hike the last two miles of road up.  The hike, unshaded and generally steep, ends in a small, rocky, burned over, summit.