Good Parking At Trailhead

Trailhead has ample, free, accessible parking
K7VK's picture

Idaho - Spot Mountain 12June2019


The trail to Spot Mountain is a typical multi-switchback route rising from the steep Selway River Canyon walls to long undulating ridges.  These ridges were used historically by American Indians as routes to bison hunting areas in the eastern plains from the lowlands of the Salmon and Snake river drainages that supported huge runs of salmon and steelhead. 

K7VK's picture

Montana - Sweeney Peak 26 September 2018


Spectacular peaks of the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness are in view from this summit.  September visits are rewarded with brilliant yellow to orange needled alpine larch, a deciduous high elevation conifer and many times snowfall. 

KA7GPP's picture

Beaver Hill 2860, Plain WA


Nice hike in the Lake Wenatchee area near Plain WA.  From US 2 turn onto HY 207 at Coles corner.  Turn right onto HY 207 and follow through Plain WA and continue to the top of the hill  (47.753780, -120.646782) where there is a large parking lot.  The trail head is across the road on the south side of the road.  

The trail is good but steep in places but there are good views along the way.  The hike to the summit is .78 miles.  There is little view at the summit but the area is large enough to erect an EFHW or dipole antenna.

ND7Y's picture

Lone Butte - June 2020


After my success over at Break In Pk., I continued on to Lone Butte to give it another go, after my previously failed attempt. Access remains the same, only take the road in if PNW pinstriping is something you like to adorn your paint.

ND7Y's picture

Break In Peak - June 2020


In a normal year, this would be an easy 4-point drive-up. Driving access is via Forest Road 8303 (Ape Cave Rd.), 8303340, and 8303341. From the end of 8303341 the summit is ~500' to the NW, where the trail ducks off the ridgeline you would just continue straight to the summit.

ND7Y's picture

Spencer Butte - June 2020


Spencer Butte is the site of a former fire lookout in the Gifford Pinchot National Forest, just north of the town of Northwoods. At the time of my attempt, the simplest access is to go north on FR 25, turn onto FR93 (if you go through the winter gates on 25, you just missed it), and follow 93 to the trailhead. This route is mostly paved, just a short section of gravel from the Muddy River up to the junction with road 9039.

K7AGL's picture

Monte Cristo HP | June 2020 (Updated Info)


I referenced K7ATN's blog post from a couple years ago and found some revised signage, new road clearing efforts and noted some additional GPS turn coordinates.  Here is an updated trip report for Monte Cristo HP in the Trout Lake area of WA. And here's the previous trip report:

KE4HET's picture

Wilderness Peak, WA | June 2020


After two previous attempts I finally made my first SOTA Contacts. 

AG7GP's picture

Rye Spur, OR June 2020, 2022 update


On my way home from activating Pelican Butte I took a detour to see if Rye Spur  was accessible for a future date. Take the turn towards Fourmile Lake (FS RD 3661) off of 140 the turn right on FS RD 360, then right FS RD 363. It turned out we were able to drive the FS RD 363 pretty close to the summit and chose to hike the short walk up and do a very quick activation. It was probably about a half mile up with a gradual, easy ascent. The last of the road going in is very tight and a bit rough. It dead ends at a good turn around with fire pit.

K7VK's picture

Idaho - Granite Peak 15September2018


Granite Peak is a picturesque summit with huge granite boulders with interesting eroded patterns.  It is a great operating location with outstanding views of the Great Burn of 1910.  The trail is easy to follow and in-season wanders through some good huckleberry patches.