Treacherous Trail

Trail requires special care due to difficult or technical obstacles
ND7PA's picture

Maxwell Butte Activation, 8.17.2013


It was raining steadily as we left the Willamette Valley Friday morning. Radar showed that a band of showers were over our activation site but we pushed on being always optimistic (heck I'm a QRPer, I've got to be optimistic!) We arrived at the Maxwell Butte Snowpark parking lot ahead of schedule.  I figured that we would be on the summit in a couple of hours, maybe an hour ahead of time. Optimistic, like I said...

K7MAS's picture

First SOTA Activation: Cirque Peak, Inyo County, California - August 13, 2013 - "Sunshine, Blue Sky & Endless Granite"


First Activation of Cirque Peak, 12,900 feet, High Sierra's of California, Inyo County.  Sunshine, blue sky & endless granite...but with a little price to pay.

KD7LXL's picture

Little Tahoma attempt


Little Tahoma is a 11,138 ft summit on the east flank of Mt. Rainier. The route requires crossing the Frying Pan and Whitman glaciers.

KB3QEW's picture

Summit on Thin Air: Activating Mount Hood at 11,250'


Tuesday last week, with the help, support, and expertise of friends and an experienced mountaineering guide, I summited Mount Hood for my first time, and activated Mount Hood for its first time in SOTA. The climb began under a crystal clear starry sky around 00:37 on Tuesday, 11 June 2013, heading up the snowcat-groomed climber’s trail from Wy'East Day Lodge at Timberline Lodge. At midnight, I had met my guide, Rodney Sofich, at the Climber's Register just inside the day lodge to discuss what I was about to undertake.

nx1p's picture

Adventure Sota


Most of the Oregon south coast summits are accessible only by dirt roads.  access to summit bases are on un maintained dirt roads.  Since the South Coast gets, on average, 6 feet of rain a year, well, you can imagine what a steep unmaintained dirt road looks like. 

K7ATN's picture

Squaw Butte, ID | April 2013


Note that there is another Idaho "Squaw Butte-W7I/SR-089" and that this "Squaw Butte" is also the name given to the long ridge just to the east of this two-pointer. However, the ridge and it's associated peak, "Squaw Butte South" doesn't have the required prominence for SOTA. But hey, the real peak is only a few miles away. 

Directions to the "trailhead" seemed a little tricky for an out of towner - I've started them below from ID-44 - W State Street where you make the turn north on ID-16. See this for more information and other routes:

K7ATN's picture

Greenleaf Peak, WA | May-2013


You'll be in good company when you climb Greenleaf Peak - Botanist David Douglas was there in September of 1825 without a road or trail. You might think that a hike starting under power lines would not be particularly remote or wild - but once you leave the service road you'll be thinking differently. It's a summit that rarely sees visitors - you might do yourself (and those that might follow) a service by wielding a machete on some of the more overgrown parts of the trail.

K7ATN's picture

Sam High Point (Peak 4375), ID | Apr-2013


Here's a fairly easy SOTA summit not too far from Boise. It has good views from the top and some simple navigation challenges as it's cross country with no trail. This could be a good summit to try out using a GPS - it might help you end up in the right place. 

HG1DUL's picture

The first over the Atlantic


2012-06-27 W7W/MC-008 CN96jt26

I leave Seattle with grandiose plans. Three days, three eight pointer on the east side of the Cascades. This side is not that wet, as in theory Rainier blocks most of the moisture. Rainer rain shadow. Thus, trails melt out much more quicker over less snow. Forecast is quite bad for the first day, but all sunny for the rest. Again things turn out little different than planned originally.

K7ATN's picture

Diamond Craters HP, OR | Sep-2012


Diamond Craters is administered by the Bureau of Land Management as an Outstanding Natural Area. This is a great example of Oregon High Desert and although it’s not on the way to anything, it is very much worth visiting. It is about 55 miles southeast of Burns, Oregon.