
K7ATN's picture

Grivets, FR | May 2019


Grivets is a simple "SOTA-car" (drive-up) summit about 30km south of Grenoble, France. There's nothing remarkable about this one-pointer, but it could be a quick activation stop along the A51.

K7ATN's picture

Le Pet du Loup, FR | May 2019


Le Pet du Loup is a simple and easy summit in the lovely Parc Naturel du Pilat, about 45 minutes south of Lyon, France. Google Translate might let you know that "Le Pet du Loup" really does mean the Fart of the Wolf - a fun name.

WA7JNJ's picture

Bald Hill, WA (near Monroe) | March 2019 (and Aug23 update)


8/17/23 Update -  Not really a recommended summit due to new "Preferred Plan" with "sensitive" areas of park, along with varying topo maps regarding whether park is in the AZ...

K7AHR's picture

First activation of Linney Butte, W7O/CN-034, June 2, 2019


Quick notes: I have Google Fi, which uses T-Mobile and Sprint. Cell service is great, if you have a view to the northeast. Otherwise, it dies, and quickly. This was obvious when I was trying to stay in contact with people throughout the hike, leading to cutting in and out throughout the trip. I got it into my head to try a 4-pointer with no activations, and I saw a prime candidate, of only .7 miles with a gain of only a few hundred feet! What a find! Only problem is, there's no trail. Well, that's no problem!

K7AGL's picture

My First SOTA point


It was great to meet club members at SEA-PAC.  I came back motivated to earn my first point! WV-095 ( is Mt Scott and has been frequently activated. It looked pretty straightforward and I had already cycled to the top a few years ago.

K7AHR's picture

Trying to get up Prospect Ridge, 2019/05/27


After studying the map, I thought it was worth checking if the road that approaches the summit is accessible. I invited my family, and we drove up to check, and it definitely is not. We drove NF 23 to NF 2353, which proceeds past some campsites to the trailhead. There is a gate that is sometimes closed, but this doesn't really add a lot of effort to the trail. We got to NF2348, which turns into NF2365 and heads up the mountain, to find a berm had been constructed, decidedly closing the road. We made the decision to hike it anyway, and embarked.

WA7JNJ's picture

Flagg Mountain, WA | May 2019


Flagg Mountain is a great 4 point short hike (or drive-up) summit located west of Winthrop, WA.  For a day trip, it could be combined with Goat Peak Lookout summit W7W/OK-107.  


K7DJl's picture

Field Effect Mtn.


Field Effect Mtn in on Inland Empire Paper ground (IEP). Permit is required I would recommend going to there web site and read all the info to access the property. I started the track from Spirit Lake Id.  The first 5 miles is paved then turns to dirt.  At the trail head if the gate is open you can drive in if the gate is closed you can’t.  The gate was closed so I had to take an ATV up close to the top then bushwhacked the rest of the way.

WU7H's picture

Mount Cavanaugh, WA | May 2019


May 18th was the Puget Sound S2S party. I had plans to take my son dirt biking in Walker Valley in the afternoon, so I needed a quick summit that was resonably close to Walker Valley ORV park. Mount Cavanagh fit the bill nicely, and was surprisingly pleasent!

AG7TW's picture

Elk Mountain, Oregon | May 2019 (Edited - Important!)


(IMPORTANT NOTE! Everything in this post is true with the exception of the peak designation: W7O/NC-022.