
W7EEE's picture

Wilderness Peak | July 2020


My second SOTA required a longer hike (~2 miles each way) than Mt. Electric but was also a lot of fun.

AG7GP's picture

6650, OR July 2020


This was the last of three for the day. By this time my memory is getting a bit blurry. We took RD 3780 off of RD 28. Hiked on the overgrown roads that are on some maps (3780 320) until it looked good to start climbing up. A lot of burnt timber on the mountain. Combination of boulder patches and timber but plenty of room. de AG7GP

AG7GP's picture

6370, OR July 2020


This was number 2 for the day. A short hike but only if you are interested in driving through some brush. Walking the road wouldn't be bad though. Plenty of area to set up. This was a short and sad activation as we were informed of Robin's cousin passing while on top.

Take access road off of main road 28. 28 is main FS road that is paved.

AG7GP's picture

6490, OR July 2020


This was where we chose to camp for our multiple summit trip, just at the northern base of the mountain, in a nice forested flat, just a jog up RD 105, the road is blocked a little further up. Where we camped is also about where you want to hike up the summit. Nice hike but we got really tangled up going down the mountain too far down the NW ridge rather than the face of the ridge and were caught in solid buck brush. Check satellite images to avoid, if you avoid this its about a 1.75 mi RT hike in a mixed forest with lots of Sugar Pine in a blanket of Indian Paintbrush.

AG7GP's picture

Cougar Peak, OR July 2020


Cougar Peak was another summit for the day I thought there may be better access on than there really was. Instead it was not much better than Yainax Butte which I did earlier in the day. There is a trail or road going up that can make for a good hike. It is an unusual mountain of piled shale. We drove further up than most would choose to. Steep drop off, brush in narrow road, driving on large flat shale, and 3 point switchbacks. My designated SOTA driver, Robin N7HAP, goes the extreme sometimes!

AG7GP's picture

Yainax Butte, OR July 2020


Yainax Butte, or as the surveyor pin says, “Yonna”, was a mountain I was hoping to drive up to the lookout and do a quick activation on my way to SOTA campout/"expedition" in the Fremont NF west of Lakeview. The roads were awful. There are a couple ways to get there, just follow the maps but once you get to the main access road to summit, it is extreme 4wd rutty, rock crawl for about 3 or 4 miles. We ended up going all the way but I do not recommend it. It would be better off as maybe a  day hike up rather than drive.

WA7JNJ's picture

Eagle Point, WA | July 2020


Eagle Point was a very enjoyable 6-point summit located just southeast of the Hurricane Ridge Visitor Center in Olympic National Park.  After activating the very popular Hurricane Hill W7W/NO-086 last year, I wanted to explore a few summit options nearby along the Obstruction Point Road.  This road is a well maintained dirt road and is generally open from mid-July through October (it is alway good to check road access via the link below).  The road is accessed by turning a sharp left just before the parking lot to the Hurricane Ridge Visitor Center.  

KJ7LSM's picture

Ittome Hill - 4th of July 2020


Had chatted with KA7GPP some time back about various different local SOTA summits to venture to and Ittome Hill was one of those. Was slated as a drive up with great views and decent activation. The XYL and I set off leveraging Google Maps and what we thought was going to be a quick venture up. However, Google maps steered us wrong. The image below shows the correct route up to the summit. 

NR7Y's picture

2660 - July 2020


This summit spans a property boundary between public BLM land and private Stimson land, and although Stimson allows the public to hike on most of their property on weekends, there is no need to enter their property to access the activation zone.

K7DJl's picture

Peak 5201, WA | June 2020


Turn off of West Calispell Loop Rd onto FR2022 then turn right onto FR3540 continue on until the saddle park on the left.  There is no trail to the summit, I had to bushwack to the top.  Plenty of trees on top won't need a Pole.

Access 2WD

Gps Track in Download page.