Exposed Trail

Mostly exposed (to sun, wind, etc) trail
K7VK's picture

Skalkaho Mountain, Montana | October 2022


Skalkaho gets its name from the area in Salish meaning ‘many trails’.  Unrelated to the name, the summit does have several trails converging near its summit.  I chose the trail coming from the west off FS road #364.  This trail has many views of other SOTA summits and to the west the much higher elevation Bitterroot Range.

K7VK's picture

Dome Shaped Mountain, Montana | October 2022


Dome Shaped Mountain is a scenic and lightly traveled trail near Hamilton Montana. Much of the hike overlooks a large portion of the Stony Mountain Roadless Area. Alpine larch dominate the summit with brilliant yellow fall color in early October contrasting with green whitebark pine.

K7VK's picture

Summit 7560, Idaho 27 July 2022


SOTA Summit 7560 could easily be termed “Magruder Ridge High Point”. It is located on Magruder Ridge approximately 1.0 mile south of Magruder Mountain that it dominates by a mere 138’. Magruder Mountain and Ridge are named for the massacre of Lloyd Magruder and his party of four others in 1863 near this area. See sign photo.

K7VK's picture

Long Tom Mountain, Idaho | September 2022


Long Tom Mountain is a long forest road drive mostly through burned forest. The current Long Tom Lookout built in 1977 is ½ mile south of the SOTA summit.

K7VK's picture

Devils Point, Idaho | July 2022


Devils Point is a mostly open snag-covered summit with excellent views of the surrounding Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness and the Hell’s Half Acre Lookout.    Much of this area has experienced very large wildfires over the last several of decades and abundant snags exist.

K7WXW's picture

birkenfeld mountain (east ridge) wa | october 2022


Summary - Birkenfeld Mountain from the east side is a steep, mostly pathless, ridge bushwhack to a brushy forested summit.   The approach via CG2020, is a logging road with some very steep sections that can also be used to reach Greenleaf Peak.  Drive time to the trailhead was about 90 minutes.

KI7EMX's picture

Middle Stack Mountain, Idaho | October 2022


This was the first activation of Middle Stack Mountain in Nevada.  A huge lesson learned (again) is that map resources conflict when it comes to roads, both roads that do not exist, and roads that do not appear on maps. Even when cross referencing maps with Google Earth you can’t be certain that a geological feature that “looks” like a road actually is one!  As a first activation, there was no SOTA summit access information, though there were a couple of Peakbagger trip reports.

AG7GP's picture

Drake Peak, OR Sept 2022


Already directions to Drake but I did it slightly different. I hiked the south side of Light Peak sidehill from where the road to the Lookout switchbacks, until I got to the road going part way to Drake. There is decent trail or road most of the way just not the sidehill at the beginning and the last ascent, but pretty self explanatory. Robin N7HAP was on Light Peak, a drive up, and he picked me up on the east side of Light Peak so I got out of the final climb up Light. Took it easy on Light Peak for another activation.

AG7GP's picture

Twelvemile Peak, OR Sept 2022


I went a different route than K7ATN and drove past the Crooked Creek TH and camp spot on 3615 (which by the way looks like a great spot to camp if not occupied), and drove up 3615-189 on the right. It did require a tight, high clearance trek up the road and moving one log. If you don't make it to the end of the road you may add about 1-2 miles to you trek but it isn't too bad since it is old road. I chose to hike up from the deadend of RD 189 somewhat east eventually making it to the more gradual NW ridge of the mountain and activated from the north peak that is in the AZ.

N0DNF's picture

Oxford Peak, Idaho, 09-26-2022


  Located approximately 50 miles South of Pocatello Idaho. Take the Downey Idaho exit from I-15 . Head south on Highway 91 which takes you through Downey. Turn right onto the old highway 191 (old Malad Hwy). Watch for Cherry Creek road which will be on your left and takes you to the Cherry Creek Campground/Trailhead.