Pass Required at Trailhead

Trailhead parking or use of the trail requires a permit, pass or other for-pay document
K7WXW's picture

2466 (amplifier peak) wa | november 2022


Summary - 2466 (Amplifier Peak) is on Weyerhauser's Longview land northwest of Merrill Lake and is most easily accessed through a gate on Kalama River Road. The highway drive from PDX is roughly eighty minutes; to the trailhead, plan on another forty minutes or so along logging roads to the summit. The last part of the drive is through an active logging area and the road is often closed, so you may want to have a backup plan.  Don't count on two meters to make your four QSOs. Cell phone service is marginal, and APRS pings get picked up.

K7WXW's picture

lakeview peak wa (snowshoe) | november 2022


Summary - Lakeview Peak is on Weyerhauser's Longview land north of Yale and is accessed through a gate on Rock Creek Road. The drive to the gate is roughly eighty minutes. From the gate  to the summit is another 2.5 miles and a 1400 foot climb along logging roads.  Don't count on two meters to make your four QSOs. Cell phone service is marginal, and APRS pings get picked up.

K7WXW's picture

big bull wa | october 2022


Summary - Big Bull is one of three peaks (LC-100, LC-091, LC-068) in the Northeast corner of Weyerhauser's Longview land. It is a drive up roughly two hours from Portland, much of it over logging roads. There is a very short hike (twenty yards)  to the densely forested summit and the best operating position is in an opening a little below the top.  Don't count on two meters to make your four QSOs. Cell phone service is marginal, and APRS pings get picked up.

K7WXW's picture

3860 (mount binary) wa | october 2022


Summary - 3860 (Mount Binary) is one of three peaks (LC-100, LC-091, LC-068) in the Northeast corner of Weyerhauser' Longview parcel. It is roughly two and a half hours from Portland, much of it over logging roads. There is a short hike (less than a mile) up an unused logging road which ends on an open ridge with nice views.  Don't count on two meters to make your four QSOs. Cell phone service is marginal, and APRS pings get picked up.

K7WXW's picture

3566 (mount diode) wa | oct 2022


Summary - 3566 (Mount Diode) is one of three peaks (LC-100, LC-091, LC-068) in the Northeast corner of Weyerhauser-owned land. It is roughly two and a half hours from Portland, much of it over logging roads that get rougher as you go higher. The summit is clear cut and covered with stumps and the best operating position is along the road.  Don't count on two meters to make your four QSOs. Cell phone service is marginal, and APRS pings get picked up. There are good views of the surrounding hills.

K7WXW's picture

elk mountain, wa | october 2022


Summary - Getting to the top of Elk Mountain, on Weyerhauser land west of Mount Saint Helens, is a either a steep two mile hike on an abandoned forest road or mostly a drive up with a short climb. It is the highest of a group of three summits about two hours from SE Portland. The summit is a nice operating position with views, a concrete communication shed, the remains of a lookout tower, and a hunk of airplane that crashed there years ago. Don't count on two meters to make your four QSOs, cell phone service is very marginal, and APRS pings get picked up.

K7WXW's picture

butler butte, wa | october 2022


Summary - Butler Butte is part of a three summit group on Weyerhauser land that is about two hourse from SE Portland. Getting to the summit requires a short hike from a logging road. The summit is small, densely forested and without views. Don't count on two meters to make your four QSOs, cell phone service is marginal at best, and APRS pings get picked up. It can be done as part of a three or four summit day if you plan carefully.

K7WXW's picture

3387 (mt astronaut), wa | october 2022


Summary - 3387 is a drive up on Weyerhauser land west of Mount Saint Helens and a two hour drive from SE Portland. The summit is treeless and has a great view of Goat Mountain and Mount Saint Helen. Don't count on two meters to make your four QSOs, cell phone service is marginal at best, APRS two way works. Overall, a nice place for a longer activation and can be part of a three or four summit day with careful planning.

NR7Y's picture

Clatskanie Mountain | Sept 2022


Clatskanie Mountain is one of the peaks within the Weyerhaeuser "Columbia - Washington Counties" recreational permit region. It's a relatively easy hike through a small forest section and exposed forest roads. Doing this peak as a biketivation is an option. This would be a good peak to combine with an activation of Benson Hill, NC-042.