Pass Required at Trailhead

Trailhead parking or use of the trail requires a permit, pass or other for-pay document
NE7ET's picture

Huffraker Mountain, WA | Aug 2022


This was my second time to visit Huffraker.  Last year, the property owner had closed the area due to fire danger.  This year, it was reopened.  However, last year I was able to drive all the way to the edge of Gifford-Pinchot NF and park.  This year, there was an incredible amount of blowdown that had not been cleared which added another 4 miles to this hike bringing it to overall 6.3 miles RT.  It may be that, due to the late season snow, once the mushroom pickers get busy some of the blowdown will get cleared.

WJ7WJ's picture

Needle Point OR | July 2022


Needle Point is the lowest 10 point summit in Oregon. It is not the easiest. It is located in the Eagle Cap Wilderness in north eastern Oregon. Access to the trail head is via Union, Oregon.

It is a nineteen mile round trip hike with 5000 feet of total elevation gain.

N7KOM's picture

Mt Adams (Pahto/Klickitat), Washington | July 2022


Mt Adams in summer is a popular climb and has variable conditions. Anyone attempting Adams should be familiar hiking with crampons and ice axe. Glissading skills will help and if you're new, you'll be an expert by the time you are down the mountain. 

N7UN's picture

Clear Lake Tower Operator Info


Please follow K7ATN's previous report for directions to this summit. 

In 2022 the tower lookout is Michelle who has been there for 8 seasons.  Very friendly and ham-radio accomodating.  Like other fire tower operators, announce yourself so Michelle knows you are there.  There is a public port-a-potty and a picnic table that can be used.  With permission, i hung one end of my EFHW from the tower structure, actually my rope supporting the EFHW.

NE7ET's picture

1860, OR | April 2022


This summit is located on Stimson land and appears to be only accessible by permit.

One approach is via Flisram Rd which is gated with the following sign.

(Actually there are 2 signs: one is the standard non-motorized entry allowed during non-business hours but just behind that one is the one which says no entry except by permit.


K7WXW's picture

dog mountain wa | april 2022


Summary - With a three mile, three thousand foot climb, open views of the gorge, and lots of wildflowers, Dog Mountain is a worthy SOTA summit. The first two-thirds of the climb is in the trees, the rest on the windy, exposed mountain crown. The summit itself is thick with brush, so the best operating positions are found on its edge.  A Northwest Discover Pass is required for parking, as is a hiking permit during the wildflower season.

NE7ET's picture

Lava Butte, OR | Mar 2022


On the 3rd day of our Bend trip, I got dropped off at the Lava Butte Visitor Center while my wife and kids sped off to the Bend High Desert Museum.  The hike to the top was on a very nice, paved road for 1.75 miles.  I made it up in an hour and looked around the lower level of the firewatch tower on the summit and the surrounding views.

NE7ET's picture

Pringle Butte, OR | Mar 2022


Following my activation of Wampus Butte (W7O/CM-095), I proceeded to the next stop on Pringle Butte.  It's only a couple miles drive to there and the summit is almost a drive up.  Google Maps gave excellent directions to the summit and I probably could have driven all the way but on the last turn up to the top there is a little bit of a washout and I decided to just hike the last 0.4 miles.  The summit has a large flat area with a turnaround.  It would likely be a nice overnight camping area though there don't appear to be any established campsites.

NE7ET's picture

Wampus Butte, OR | Mar 2022


WARNING: Google Maps will route you on a road that is no longer publically accessible.

After activating Tumalo Mountain (W7O/CM-011), I proceeded south to Wampus Butte (W7O/CM-095) for another activation and winter bonus.  This summit had not been activated since 2014 and significant changes have occured.

NE7ET's picture

Tumalo Mountain, OR by snowshoe | Mar 2022


On the second day of our Bend trip, I got up early and drove up to Dutchman Flat Sno-Park just across the road from Mt Bachelor skiing.  There were a few remaining parking spaces and some snowmobilers unloading.  I started up the snowtrack over by the restrooms.  At some point, the GPS points up hill and you pick out a likely set of ski or snowshow tracks and follow it uphill.  Eventually, they all seem to lead to the summit.  There are a few orange no-motorized area signs towards the top but those were the only markers visible in the forest.  I ran across a fe