
AE7AP's picture

South ScratchGravel Hill, MT | April, 2014


2-Miles, +950 feet

Follow Head Lane north into the Scratchgravel Hills until it reaches a BLM pullout/parking area/trailhead. Continue north past the gate on the old 2-track, turning right (Easterly) when it reaches the low saddle. Continue following the 2-track easterly, and eventually southerly as it climbs to the summit. The summit is very pleasant, with a nice level clearing amongst the scattered pines, and fine views of the city to the south.

AE7AP's picture

South Helena Ridge (1.7 miles, 800 ft)


This unobtrusive summit offers a quiet, easily accessible QTH that may be conveniently accessed via the popular "Helena Ridge Trail". The Helena ridge trail is a scenic 7 mile ridge trail that connects from the trailhead at Park City to Mount Helena City Park (and on into downtown Helena). The trail is excellent for hiking or biking, and there is ample parking at the Park City trailhead. Follow the trail from the parking lot as it cuts up and around the north slope and eastern shoulder of the hill that overlooks the parking lot.

K7ATN's picture

Mud Creek Ridge, OR | January 2016


Mud Creek Ridge is a summit by Trillium Lake near Mount Hood that's good for a short backcountry snowshoe. Since there doesn't appear to be a trail, the best bet is to wait for three to five feet of snow to cover the brush and downed trees.

K7MAS's picture

SOTA Activation: Amabilis Mountain, Kittitas County, Washington - January 3, 2016


A cold, windy & snowy winter activation of Amabilis Mountain, 4,580 feet, located east of Snoqualmie Pass, Washington, was undertaken by me and my SOTA Buddy - Tim, KG7EJT.  The forecast was for a substantial change from the sunny but cold weather this area had been enjoying the previous week.  The TH is easy to reach, most of the time, being right at Exit 63, Highway I-90.  The route we took followed the XC Ski groomed logging road leading from the Lodge Creek / Swamp Creek Basin to the summit area of Amabilis. The route was 11.18  miles RT, gaining approximately 2,050 feet elevation.

ND7PA's picture

Mt Hebo, deep snow in coast range of Oregon, FYI


An FYI to those heading towards the coast range of Oregon; above about 2500ft there is quite a snowfall. Today I venturedup Mt. Hebo (ele, 3185ft) and found about 18+ inches of snow at the first apparent summit where all the radio towers are. There were several 4x4 trucks up there in various forms of "stuck". The last mile to the first summit was single-track and very slick. Chained up about 2mi from the summit and it was still "interesting" in my Honda Pilot 4WD. Coming down, chains were a must. It was pretty clear and about 30deg with light wind.

AE7AP's picture

Rampart Mtn., Bob Marshall Wilderness, Montana


Straight Cr. Approach (3,000 ft, 2.5 mi, 23 mi approach)

This is the SOTA summit that is furthest from any road within Montana.
AE7AP's picture

Bend Benchmark - Short and fun early season hike near Helena


W7M/CL-194      Bend Benchmark (0.8 Miles, + 893 Ft) 

AE7AP's picture

Jumbo Mtn., Trail hike to remote fire lookout in Bob Marshall Wilderness


Jumbo Mountain (3.4 mi., 3,400 ft, 16-mile approach)

The approach and climb to Jumbo Mountain offers a scenic journey through the remote and spectacular Bob Marshall Wilderness.  We included this activation as part of a 9-day loop trip through the Bob Marshall Wilderness that included three SOTA activations.

K7ATN's picture

Green Mountain, OR | Dec 2015


UPDATE January 2021 - Green Mtn has been posted PERMIT REQUIRED FOR ALL ACCESS by Weyerhauser.