WJ7V's blog

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Ball Mountain, OR | Dec. 2023


Ball Mountain is a relatively easy drive-near summit in the Oregon coast range, east of Lincoln City. Your passenger vehicle will get you close to the summit, followed by a short walk and then a bushwhack, neither of which is challenging. The summit area itself is treed in with ample space to set up and plenty of trees for antennas.


WJ7V's picture

Cougar Mountain, OR | July 2023


Of the four Cougar Mountains in Oregon, this one is an easy two pointer south off of Highway 58, east of Oakridge, OR. This is a near drive up (or drive up if you are brave) and makes a convenient summit when travelling Hwy 58. 


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Frog Lake Buttes, OR | July 2023


Frog Lake Buttes is a popular SOTA destination that was moved slightly from its old high point in March of 2023. The old summit plays host to a cell tower and is accessible via both road and trail.

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Wanderer's Peak, OR | June 2023


With the reopening of FR 45 in the Mt. Hood National Forest Clackamas Ranger District in Oregon, a set of previously closed peaks are available to activators again just in time for the summer SOTA season! I chose to activate Wanderer's Peak, along with South Fork Mountain (W7O/WV-030), in a single day double. The area was previously closed due to wildfire damage from the 2020 fires.

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South Fork Mountain, Oregon | June 2023


With the reopening of FR 45 in the Mt. Hood National Forest Clackamas Ranger District in Oregon, a set of previously closed peaks are available to activators again just in time for the summer SOTA season! I chose to activate South Fork Mountain, along with Wanderer's Peak (W7O/WV-052), in a single day double. The area was previously closed due to wildfire damage from the 2020 fires.

WJ7V's picture

Walker Mountain, OR | June 2023


June 2023 Update: NF 9402 has been gravelled and runoff strips installed. In all other respects, previous reports still apply, however.

The last stretch of this driveup, on NF 9402 was previously reported as deep dust and silt. I'm happy to report that this road has been gravelled and water runoff strips installed for erosion control. This makes the drive pretty manageable. 

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Orr Mountain, CA | June 2023


I was driving back to Portland from Northern California and taking Highway 97 for the scenic beauty. There are a number of 4 and 6 point summits in the region with easy-ish access, so I thought I'd try one or two along the way. A forest service employee recommended Orr Mountain, which has great views, a nice open area at the top and an active fire lookout.