WJ7WJ's blog

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5060 Full Quieting, WA | Jun 2021


Full Quieting Mountain was instead fully quiet at least on 2m FM. Maybe it should be called Evil Step Sister as it lurks unattractively above Sleeping Beauty. (Did fine on HF)

Looks like there may be a shorter bushwhack from the north when examining the map. However, I was invited to hike Sleeping Beauty by some friends. Answering the question why isn’t Sleeping Beauty a SOTA summit leads you to Peak 5060, which has the required promonance. 

So I started from the official Sleeping Beauty trailhead:

WJ7WJ's picture

Kerby Peak, OR | Oct 2020


Kerby Peak is a summit that can be reached on a very well maintained trail with good instructions and descriptions already on the web:

The Hike: https://www.oregonhikers.org/field_guide/Kerby_Peak_Hike

The Trail head: https://www.oregonhikers.org/field_guide/Kerby_Peak_Trailhead

It’s rocky on top so I suggest bringing your own antenna support.




WJ7WJ's picture

Brandy Peak, OR | Oct 2020


Brandy Peak is a short hike on a good trail. It is accessible in any vehicle. It’s not close to a population center. You knew there was a catch. The views from the top are spectacular and 360 degrees. It might be on your shuttle route if you are running the Wild and Scenic section of the Rogue or the Illinois Rivers. Road is closed in winter.

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Bear Camp Summit (4300), OR | Oct 2020


Bear Camp Summit is a name I have given this peak which is just off of Bear Camp Road (NF-23). Bear Camp road is famous to river runners as the shuttle road when doing the Wild and Scenic section of the Rogue river. It is infamous for the Kim family tragedy. Don't attempt this activation in winter.

WJ7WJ's picture

Cedar Springs Mountain, OR | Oct 2020


Cedar Springs Mountain is a peak near Grants Pass that is an easy walk from a locked gate, 1.7 miles round trip with 500 feet of elevation gain. There is communications equipment on the summit, but I suffered no RFI because of it. It has a nice operating point with lots of options for stringing antennas including large and small trees and the communications area fence posts. I found an all natural pole support. View is nice, but is blocked a bit by the trees so a bit of walking around is needed to see it all.

WJ7WJ's picture

Buckskin Mountain, Oregon | Sep 2020


Turn east off of Fields-Denio Road at 42.1606, -118.6033 onto Whitehorse Ranch Lane.

Turn north off of Whitehorse Ranch lane onto an unmarked road at 42.2577, -118.3200

Turn left at an obscure point at 42.2819, -118.3588

Make a hairpin right turn at 42.2622, -118.3870

Park near a locked gate at 42.2619, -118.3895

WJ7WJ's picture

Whitehorse Butte, Oregon | Sep 2020



Turn east off of Fields-Denio Road at 42.1606, -118.6033 onto Whitehorse Ranch Lane.

Turn off of that onto an unmarked road at 42.3111, -118.2625

Go past the right turn to Willow Creek Hot Springs to turn left at 42.2769, -118.2624

Park at 42.2463, -118.2392

WJ7WJ's picture

Pueblo Mountain | Sep 2020


Pueblo Mountain with 4x4.

Turn off of the Fields-Denio Road at 42.1447, -118.6038.

Make a sharp left at 42.1346, -118.6350.

Stop driving a start walking at 42.0996, -118.6686.

WJ7WJ's picture

Doris Peaks (6242) , OR | July 2020



Doris Peaks is my name for a set of peaks above Doris Lake.


My stats:

Distance: 9.1 miles

Elevation Gain: 2000 ft

On trail: 6 miles

Off trail: 3.1 miles

Difficulty: Arduous



WJ7WJ's picture

Goat Mountain, WA | July 2020


Quick search of sota summits finds 30 Goat Mountains, exclusive of my favorites: Old Goat Mountain and Scape Goat Mountain. Can unfortunately relate to both of those.

There are six in W7W and 2 in W7W/LC. This blog is about W7W/LC-035. The plan for this trip was found on summitpost: https://www.summitpost.org/goat-mountain/153737. Andrew, K7AHR, and I followed those directions to a successful activation.